Oh Crap Potty Training
Jamie Glowacki's 10th anniversary edition new-and-improved, bestselling potty training book guides you through how to teach your child to use the potty, pee and poop, day and night, so your toddler is solidly potty trained. The best potty training book for parents.
How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen
The parenting book I keep re-reading because every section seems to have a golden nugget. A smart read on how to forge connection with our kids by bringing them into the fold of the family. The book reveals real strategies of how to parent in a way that raises self-driven kids who are less likely to act out.
How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen
This parenting book helped me rethink how I speak to my kids — for the better. It's filled with parenting tools, language, and advice on talking to little kids, ages 2- to 7-years-old. Also helpful for navigating through sibling rivalry.
Your Two-Year-Old, Your Three-Year-Old
Simple, easy-to-read guides by age of what your child is developmentally going through year to year. Recommended to me by a Montessori teacher and my favorite books to follow along on understanding my children's development.
The Montessori Toddler
This practical guide shares easy ways to bring Montessori ideas to your home, so you can support your toddler's natural desire to be more independent. Bonus: the more children are set up to do things themselves, the less whining you hear.
Oh Crap! I Have a Toddler
Jamie talks you through understanding and dealing with toddler behavior in her second parenting book. Plus, the essentials for creating a toddler environment where your child thrives and you experience the joys of parenting.
For teaching your child to dress indep:
I Can Do It
My favorite book for teaching toddlers important skills in getting dressed and ready all by themselves! From buttons and snaps to zippers and tying shoelaces, this book has sweet illustrations combined with the real deal zippers, snaps, and laces for practice.
For helping your child release:
We could all use another tool in helping kids settle down (especially toddlers in those early days of sitting on the potty)! We have been using Alphabreaths as a meditative start to the morning. The illustrations are fantastic and kids learn playful ways to breathe.
Book of the Month:
How Big is Our Baby
This picture book gives soon-to-be siblings a glimpse into what's happening as the baby grows each month (comparing the baby's size to something familiar, like an egg.) The book also helps to prepare the child and calm fears, about the big changes coming.
Book of the Month:
What Color Am I?
When your child is holding pee and not letting go, it helps to bring in water (natural release). This cute bath book magically changes color for toddlers to see in the bath or add some calm fun to potty time.
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The Gas We Pass
This potty book does it all — makes kids laugh (see fart bubbles floating in a bathtub, hilarious!) AND gives kids an illustrated visual of what's happening inside their body. A silly potty book that normalizes the body, too.
Time to Pee
Mo Willems created more than the beloved Pigeon and Elephant and Piggie books...he also created one of my favorite potty books, to go over what to do when it's Time to Pee. psst: Or you could get the book as a more pee-friendly board book!
What Is Poop
My hands-down favorite potty book for chatting with your kiddo about poop, normalizing *poop*, keeping it fun...all which helps a child feel more comfortable with pooping on the potty.
A favorite potty book with a good message: when you've got to go, you've got to go. And that may mean using a different potty (even a toilet!).
Ninja Potty Break
Worried about your toddler feeling safe around new toilets? This potty book speaks to the girl being a brave ninja and shows her conquering a potty break in a new bathroom. I love how it shows illustrations of public bathroom stalls, so it's a great pick as a toilet training book, too.
Goldilocks + the Just Right Potty
This picture book is an adorable children's book about potty training! Goldilocks finds the just right potty and underwear for her. Also talks through a potty accident and Goldilocks connecting with the feeling of I Have to Go Pee.
Jonathan James + the Whatif Monster
The whatifs that a child feels with big transitions can lead to wonky behavior and resistance (toddlers don't love new things). Here's a toddler book to start chats about any whatifs to make them feel a little less scary.