Ready to get help this minute with a potty training course that's on-call 24/7 for instant potty training support?
While I’m snoozing.
You read Oh Crap Potty Training, but you need the steps laid out a different way. Less subjective, more what you should do to pinpoint the issue.
Enter the potty training courses to sleuth out your solutions.

Do you want help with what just went down on your potty training journey?
You can share with your dentist that you spent your morning cleaning poop off the floor. Your dentist may do a shake-head of support if they’re a parent. Solidarity is great. You may want some helpful feedback.
That’s not really their wheelhouse.
But it is mine.
I can get you back to mornings without that added potty drama.
Anddd now you just need a potty training consultant … someone to guide you through the
Roller Coaster of potty training.
the Plans
Choose from four plans to support your child through potty training with confidence!
I was once where you are right now.
When I was potty training my kids, Oh Crap Potty Training was just an e-book, and Jamie hosted a blog talk radio show every Tuesday. I never missed it (and even called in with questions three times!).
Fast forward to today: there’s the 10th-anniversary edition of the book, the Oh Crap Potty Training podcast, and even personal consultations. About eight years ago, I became a certified Oh Crap Potty Training consultant.
If potty training isn’t working, it’s not going to magically fix itself.
Schedule a call, and I’ll help you stack small victories that lead to big wins—like a fully potty-trained kid!

"I must have sounded slightly panicked the first time Jen and I spoke—and honestly, I didn’t believe she’d be able to provide a solution that we hadn’t already tried. What a joy to have been proven completely wrong.
During our consultation, she pinpointed what she believed to be the problem, provided data-backed information to support her thoughts, and outlined a specific plan for us to immediately implement and follow."
- Frankie