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the More Time + Support Plan

when you want a co-captain in potty training  

You're tired of second-guessing why your child holds their pee. 
For. So. Long. (Don't even mention the word poop.)

And now, you're not just looking for tips. You want an expert to hold your hand through the process. 


This is not what you expected when you researched, prepared, and took off a long weekend to potty train your toddler, is it? 

For parents who want more support. Or know this is a bigger issue to reel in. 

You've spent hours doom-scrolling Google, trying to pinpoint what went wrong in potty training.

When all you really want to do is go back to your regularly-scheduled morning routine. 🌞🥰

Snuggles, breakfast together with a side of scrambled eggs — and maybe a quick search on Primary for this season's kid pajamas.


You're committed to potty training.
But ending each day nearly in tears is exhausting

Imagine being able to talk to somebody who gets it.


The time to work through any potty training problems and ask all your questions. 

The time to work through nighttime potty training — yep, got you covered!

The solutions that work when you've stopped-and-started potty training more than once. 


Your child has a clear anxiety around releasing pee or poop in the potty. 

You've tried potty training multiple times over. Every time you try, the resistance gets worse. 

You feel full of regret after following advice that never truly clicked — sticker charts, chocolate rewards, constant reminders. 


Potty training problems can turn into a slog to work through, especially the longer they go on. 

Jen standing in front of a barn shed on Maine beach
Let's team up!



Sometimes you want that side of extra. You're in the right place!

I've heard of parents wait (for years) for their child to show an interest in potty training, and use every reward imaginable.  That doesn't solve all potty training problems. 

Re-diaper until your child is *ready* makes sense.  But how is that going...problem solved? 

I'm hearing from more and more parents of 4- and 5-year-olds who tried the waiting tactic...and their kids are still struggling to use the potty in all situations. 

Result of working with Jen:

“ I remember trying to potty train my daughter and she was frantic, and distraught, and really in a bad desperate place. 

I remember how scary that felt and how horrible I felt for her that she was so scared. 

We are not in that place anymore. It is so good. She is fine. She doesn't have accidents. She lets her pee go. She lets her poop go. She's proud."

- Megan
Bathroom accessories


I´m so glad you asked, let´s break it down...

The More Time + Support Plan 

This consultation package is for you if you've been struggling to potty train your child for a long while.


This plan is for you if you have more than one child to potty train. 

Your investment for the More Time + Support Plan?

2 hours of time over Zoom/Facetime/phone — broken up into a few scheduled calls.

A comprehensive potty playbook packed with resources, tailored to your potty training situation to reference again + again.

phone graphic with peek at chat inside Voxer app

Seeing pee withholding and desperate for help? I can email you the written guide to get started right away while you wait for our scheduled call. 

Follow-up support on the walkie-talkie app Voxer. Includes 12 times you can reach out to ask questions. Simply press the record button, talk to share your situation and questions…and I'll respond with my thoughts in an audio message. 

Comfort of knowing you’re working with a certified potty training consultant who works closely with Jamie Glowacki, and has seen your problem before. I can share pattern of what’s worked.

Printables for looking ahead to nighttime potty training, recipes to help with the poop. You'll receive all the resources in an email following our first scheduled call. 

One-time Payment of $395

​what's included

I do my best to offer a mix of times through the week for clients. However, my spots typically book out about a week in advance. I have a limited number of parents I take on each week.

How does this work? It's simple, here goes...

Step 1: 

Book + Schedule

Choose the time on my Calendar for our first call to book this plan. 

*Make sure your Paypal email address is the right one for me to contact you. Or send me an email with the best contact email to use!

Step 2:


Keep an eye on your inbox where you'll receive your welcome email. The questions get us started, so I know a good background on your situation before we even chat. This is a manually sent email so it may be a few hours. 

Step 3:

Advice at your fingertips

​Download the Voxer app to your phone where we'll connect for the shares of advice. While you wait for our scheduled call, we can first connect on Voxer to answer any pressing questions.

Result of working with Jen:

“Twins are double the EVERYTHING, including the diaper chore. We seemed to run up against all of the challenges, just not necessarily with the same kid.


Jen took the time to listen to our obstacles with each child and helped us address them individually, instead of giving us a one plan fits all approach. Her compassionate support and guidance were invaluable in freeing us from dual diaper duty.


We could not have survived potty training without her! ”

- Elizabeth
  • Can we talk today?
    It’s unlikely you’ll find a spot in my calendar on the same day (wait time is typically a few days to a week.) However, for parents who book this plan, there’s the option to start with the followup shares of advice over Voxer. That way you can start to get feedback while waiting for our scheduled phone time.
  • Does it have to be a phone call? (and what if I'm international?)
    The scheduled phone time can be over the phone, Facetime, or many parents opt for Zoom calls (especially if you’re international.) It’s your choice!
  • Can I text you questions for my follow-up shares of advice?
    I do not work over text. (Keep in mind I’m a Gen Xer so my thumbs are truly not trained to speed type.) But I’m happy to field questions in Voxer which you can use in a similar fashion to texting with the added bonus of hearing each other’s voices in short voice memos you can play back.
  • I sent you a question over Voxer one hour ago. When will you respond?
    The shares of advice are not real-time support (I’m just one human so I can’t be in all places at the same time.) When you reach out with questions over email or Voxer, I work to respond within 24 hours — short of being sick, traveling, vacations.
  • I have more questions, how do I reach out?
    Absolutely, right this way.
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